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Laupäev, 04. May 2024

Last updateK, 13 Sept 2023 9am

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30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Postitas blogisse: In Search of Beauty
  • Fondi suurus: Suurem Väiksem

This one is going to be about my view on religion. I am not religious, but I do believe in a higher power and I do think that it is important not to purposely hurt others and do evil. I also do pray and when ever I pray I begin my prayer with 'Dear God..'.



I was 3years old when I wanted to go to Sunday school and my parents allowed it. I went there with my older siblings. I had never heard about God before and it amazed me, but the stories from the bible where just that, stories to me mostly. I did believe that God is a man and that he can see everything I do and think. That got me scared, because I sometimes thought that mommy and daddy are stupid, but I knew that it was a sin to think like that. So the though of him judging me scared me. Maybe it was just about how the teacher gave the stories to us, that made me scared of God. But she also said that people have to be fearful of God. I didn't get any of that really probably.


Years later I don't go to church, am not baptised and don't believe that I should be afraid of God )in the direct meaning of the word), also I'm not sure that God is a man or really anything like that, maybe God is a cloud of energy... I guess I am not religious, but maybe spiritual? I don't know, all I believe in is that you shouldn't do to people and animals what you don't want to be done to you. I also believe that if it is not harmful to myself I should help people and animals (nature too). I guess the only times that the harmful part doesn't apply is when it comes to children. I don't know for sure, but I probably couldn't let even a strangers kid die without trying to save him/her somehow, even if it meant that I could die. I can't be sure of it and hopefully never have to find out.


I have nothing against religious people, I know some who are really nice and genuine, but I want to stay away from those who are aggressive and try to push their opinion upon me, saying that their religion is the only right way to live and etc.


I would never want to belong to a church, since I don't think that the 10% of my salary they'd take would be justified. I can believe at home for 0€ too, and no one is saying that I have to be afraid of someone. I also don't think that the money is used right. There are lots of examples all over the world where the money goes for a new house or car for the pastor and etc.

I am not saying that there are not nice and good churches, I am just stating that I do not wish to be a part of the religious movement. I find that they place ideas into peoples heads to control them. I find that the church is something that was made to control people. I don't want to be controlled.


I also think that there are probably lots o people who are genuinely nice and do belong to a church, but they do good things and help people, without ever wanting anything back from them. They do nice things from their heart just for the exchange of knowing they could help someone or maybe even a smile.

Tänane teema on minu vaated religioonile. Kes inglise keelt mõistab, siis meelehärmi vältimiseks ütlen kohe, et jah, võibolla ei räägi ma teemasse, aga see on see, mis mul seostub antud teemaga.

Olin kolme aastane kui ma tahtsin minna palvemaja juures tegutsevasse pühapäevakooli. Mu vanemad lubasidki mul oma vanema õe ja vennaga minna sinna. Ma ei mäleta, et oleksin kunagi varem Jumalast kuulnud, mulle nii meeldisid need piiblilood, aga pean tunnistama, et nüüd mõistan, et ilmselgelt ei saanud ma päris täpselt asjale pihta. Oli ka mingi hetk, kui ma tundsin kabuhirmu Jumala ees, sest ta ju näeb ja kuuleb kõike. Ehk oli asi pühapäevakooli õpetajas, kes Jumala mulle mingist hetkeks suht kolliks rääkis. 

Ma ei ole ristitud ja ei käi enam kirikus. Mulle ei meeldi kirik kui asutus, mul ei ole mingit soovi kuuluda kuskile kogudusse ning ma arvan, et usu töhe all tehakse palju halba maailmas. Ei arva ma ka, et peaksin 10% enda palgast maksma kirikule, kes seda raha suht otstarbetult kasutab. On ju küllalt lugusid maailmas,t kus nt pastor ostab endale uue auto. Ja jah, ametiauto, mis on siiski isiklikuks otstarbeks viimase sõna järgi valitud. See selleks, aga leian, et see pole päris õige, kuidas neid rahasid kasutatakse.

Ma ei saa ka öelda, et ma oleksin usklik, kuigi ma aeg ajalt palvetan ja ma usun, et on olemas miskit võimsamat kui meie. Kui ma palvetan, siis laustan alati sõnadega "Armas Jumal...", ilmselt harjumusest. Ma usun Jumala asemel headusesse. Tuleb olla hea nii ümbritsevate inimeste kui ka loomade vastu. Loodus ka loomulikult.

Religioon ja kirik on minu arvates loodud inimeste kontrollimiseks ja oma tahtele allutamiseks. Paljud kirikuga seotud inimesed teevad kindlasti ka head, ei arvagi, et nad kõik oleks korrupeerunud ja halvad omakasuahned pätid. Tean kedagi, kes on päriselt hea inimene! Neid on kindlasti rohkem, kes aitavadki teisi ainult selleks, et nad teavad, et teisel on parem siis, ehk saavad tasuks isegi naeratuse.



Armastan jumestamist ja kosmeetikat, aga näen ilu ka mujal kui ainult kaunilt meigitud näos!

  • Haldaja: Windway OÜ

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Sa oled siin: Esileht Artiklid Uudised Eleriin Rätsep 30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4