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Weeks 6-8
Ma olin täiesti unustanud need iganädalased postitused.. Stupid me. Aga siin nüüd väike kuhi ja väike varu jäi veel telefoni. Üritan ennast hetkel lihtsalt tegevuses hoida, sest Oscari galani on veel nii kaua aega, aga enne ei taha magama minna, sest siis ma ei raudselt enam üles. Well, eks me näe kuidas ma täna öösel vastu pean :D .
// I had completely forgotten about my weekly-posts here.. Stupid me. But here's some of it and I also left something in the phone. Right now I'm just really trying to keep myself busy because the Oscars Gala starts at 2AM and I don't want to sleep before that, otherwise I will just no wake up for that. Well... we'll see how I'll handle this night by being up til the morning :D .
1. snuggling with my new lovely warm socks / 2. yummi dinner - chicken with buckwheat and fresh salad / 3. good snack evening /4. enjoyed my morning with some green tea |
4. my friend whom I hung out at work lol/ 5. another even more yummi dinner & this coconut water tasted like summer / 6. this lovely yet annoying af walk from gym to home / 7. happy me in the morning |
17. at least my booty shows some results lol / 18. wine of USA & I love everything USA so I loved this wine / 19. my delish green tea / 20. and the lunch |
21. really liked how my hair colour looked on that pic / 22. cooking us dinner yayy / 23. this never gets old - peanut butter sandwich with banana on top / 24. and this is also a classic at our home |