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Laupäev, 08. February 2025

Last updateE, 27 Jan 2025 10pm

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Scott Disick reportedly thinks Kourtney Kardashian dresses "too dowdy and momsie".

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians stars have been together since 2006 are parents to three young children.

Reports their relationship is on the rocks have been circulating for quite some time and it's now claimed Kourtney's fashion sense may have something to do with their troubles.

"He's told Kourtney she's gotten way too dowdy and momsie in terms of her style lately, and he finds that a turn-off," a source told America's OK! magazine.

Apparently Scott wants Kourtney to "sex herself up" by donning ensembles such as revealing lingerie "when they're at home".

It's claimed he has asked her to wear "sexier, shorter outfits" so they can "push the boundaries" in their relationship.

The insider notes Kourtney is willing to do what Scott asks in order to salvage their romance, even though dressing in provocative clothing is not her style by any means.

"Poor Kourtney will do anything to save the relationship, so she's going along with it even though there's no doubt she finds Scott's suggestions degrading," the source said.

Recent reports suggest Scott wants to get into the pornography industry somehow. He has been hanging out with Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis recently and it's believed the porn giant has had a deep influence on the reality star's psyche.

Speculation is rife Scott is now battling an "obsession with pornography".


"He's gotten way more into it lately, ever since he started hanging out so regularly with Joe Francis," the insider noted.

  • Haldaja: Windway OÜ

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